Friday 8 April 2011


Ahhhhh the 80s what fantastic music!(sorry not the original, copyright)

I luvvved Glogster!  What a fantastic tool of self-expression, whether your into music (like me) or science, maths etc this on-line resource offers heaps!

Why Glogster?

I love Glogster because of its contemporary design features and the fact that it offers creators the opportunity to really express themselves.  It appeals to a range of learning styles, using animation, music, text, video and pictures that can be used to present a range of topics.  I chose to expand upon this technology because if I am engaged and enthusiastic this will have a flow-on effect to my students.  A reading from PCK  topic 2 states “ A passion for learning is central to [teachers] work; teachers and learners have a shared and agreed understanding of what effective learning is.”  As teachers of ICTs in the classroom we are, to a degree learning ourselves and the way we impart this information will be paramount to its success.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths - Complete expression, free reign to design and create a poster which is representative of YOU!; Can be used for a multi-tude of applications in the classroom from core subjects to student portfolios; can be used in collaboration or individually; enhanced and engaged learning

Weaknesses -  Glogster has soooo many fantastic animated icons to incorporate that you can run the risk of going overboard, less is more!  The teacher needs to ensure that students while self motivated through this process are being guided to achieve an authentic learning outcome.

 Opportunities - ENGAGED DEEP LEARNING!!!!  Students can immerse themselves in innovative, fun, thought-provoking, challenging learning; 

Threats - As with all technology the sudden 'crash' of a program can cause delays and dissruptions; not always dependable

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